I Am an Iranian Daughter

Iran`s Historical Monuments,Iranian`s ceremonies,and some times my Thoughts, Diary...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Good News

Today I presented my thesis.
It was stressful and exciting.Fortunately every thing was perfect and all the professors participated were satisfy by the presentation and the subject.
I`ve got the complete score.
My kind God ! thank you!thank you for every thing...
My love! how can I tell you how grateful I am ,about all your support and helps?!
My parents! I appreciate you!


At 6:15 PM , Anonymous Deep Blue Sea said...

Congragulations dear Iranian Daughter Efterkhar. It is nice to hear from you.

With your Phd done , we hope u wil blog more frequently

At 4:21 AM , Blogger aitschjie said...

Dear Efterkhar,
i saw boots in the streets
of your country!
What a sad day!

Is your blog alive?
I want to exchange thaughts
about this situation.


P.s. I will transfer a
anonymous mail address

At 3:24 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Efterkhar, My name is John Chipman. I am a Canadian journalist. I'd like to speak with you about the election results. What is your cell number, or can you phone me at 1 416 205 2960?
Thank you, John

At 6:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Eftekhar,
Congradulation for your weblog, I've already seen your weblog, there are two things made me surprised. First, the aging of your weblog and the second, i think your weblog is so informative to introduce Iranian cultures for other countries' people.
I got a question, how can I make a weblog like yours? My english is not as well as yours so i'm afraid of it. Is it proper I make a weblog with my English literacy?
Majid - Karaj

At 2:09 AM , Blogger Jay said...

This is great news. I just started reading you blog 2 minutes ago, and already I am excited for you.

Good news on your car also. I am sure your are a great daughter.


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