My own words
I do not know: Why should I repeat some important things again and again?
I do not know: Why I think if once I talk about my pleasant and unpleasant you should memorize them and remember when necessary?
I do not know: Why you told me I know them and keep them in my heart (and finally you forget)?
I do not know: Why I hate repeat them again and again to help you remind?
I do not know: Why I bother you by repeating?
I do not know: Why I prefer to sleep and make free from the all?
I do not know: Why you think I am a little child and need some unimportant details?
I do not know: Why you forget my needs?
I do not know: Why I am such a selfish girl that thinks about these things in the situation?
I do not know: Why they have become important things for me now?
I do not know: Why you do not pay attention them now?
Oh, my God I do not know what are happening to me?
I am sure I will pass these days and hope to find the answers.